As seen on News Straits Times and Berita Harian on 21 December 2024

KUALA LUMPUR, Tues­day, 3rd Decem­ber 2024 – AIENB Group (AIENB), a leader in the pawn­brok­ing industry, announces the grand open­ing of its latest branch in Sen­tul, Kuala Lum­pur, fea­tur­ing innov­at­ive drive-through ser­vices.

This facil­ity enhances cus­tomer con­veni­ence and access to pawn­brok­ing ser­vices, reaf­firm­ing AIENB’s com­mit­ment to cus­tomer-focused solu­tions.

The drive-through ser­vice is a key mile­stone in AIENB’s growth strategy, offer­ing cus­tom­ers a quicker, more access­ible way to com­plete trans­ac­tions without the need for park­ing or wait­ing inside the store.

Set­ting New Stand­ards in Cus­tomer Con­veni­ence

The drive-through ser­vice is part of AIENB’s ongo­ing efforts to improve cus­tomer con­veni­ence and provide seam­less exper­i­ences. Cus­tom­ers can now com­plete trans­ac­tions securely and effi­ciently, main­tain­ing the same high level of ser­vice.

Eugene THONG, Founder and CEO of AIENB, said, “This launch redefines con­veni­ence and high-qual­ity ser­vice. With this new drive-through ser­vice, we’re offer­ing a faster, more access­ible exper­i­ence for our cus­tom­ers.”

A Stra­tegic Addi­tion to Our Expand­ing Net­work

With the open­ing of this new branch, AIENB now oper­ates seven loc­a­tions, strength­en­ing its pres­ence in Kuala Lum­pur. The Sen­tul branch’s mod­ern design reflects AIENB’s com­mit­ment to qual­ity, effi­ciency, and sus­tain­ab­il­ity.

Enhan­cing Access to Cap­ital Mar­kets

The Sen­tul branch open­ing also enhances AIENB’s appeal to cap­ital mar­kets, pos­i­tion­ing the com­pany to cap­ture new rev­enue streams and secure fund­ing for future expan­sion. These innov­a­tions demon­strate AIENB’s abil­ity to adapt to evolving cus­tomer needs and cre­ate long-term value.

Zhu Lian CHUA, CFO of AIENB, com­men­ted, “This branch open­ing marks a sig­ni­fic­ant oper­a­tional mile­stone and enhances our fin­an­cial indic­at­ors. By expand­ing our net­work and offer­ing innov­at­ive ser­vices, we are pos­i­tion­ing AIENB as a stronger industry con­tender and a valu­able par­ti­cipant in cap­ital mar­kets.”

About AIENB Group

AIENB Group is a licensed pawn­brok­ing com­pany in Malay­sia, spe­cial­iz­ing in the valu­ation and safe­keep­ing of gold assets and lux­ury watches. Oper­at­ing under the Pawn­brokers Act 1972, AIENB provides secure, trans­par­ent, cus­tomer-cent­ric ser­vices with com­pet­it­ive interest rates. With a grow­ing net­work across Klang Val­ley, AIENB com­bines innov­a­tion and reli­ab­il­ity to deliver quick, safe, and con­veni­ent pawn­brok­ing solu­tions.